Finishing Touches

by Collette on June 13, 2011

Damage marked by tape

When it comes to custom-making furniture for designated spaces; integrated, seamless beauty is part of Collette Collins Design’s trademark. In addition to building the piece; sanding, clamping, gluing, and assembling until clean planes meet at perfect edges and each groove is a feathery whisper of fluid movement; the veneer must be perfectly matched over the surface of the object for our organic style to be expressed.  By matching the veneer, the structure then seems to sing in place, rich harmonies created by the natural, uninterrupted lines of the wood.

Close up of damage


But the veneer does not always arrive in perfect form. And sometimes, throughout the building process, the veneer can be damaged or split. In one of CCD’s latest projects, designing a kitchen for a beautiful Mercer-Island home, the damage to the veneer was only apparent toward the end of the project.

Replacing the strip




Out of time and out of veneer, I searched through remaining scraps and pieces, concentrating on finding a strip that might possibly be an exact fit.  Eventually, I made the wood look like new, perfectly matching the grain’s original pattern.





Check out the way the veneer matching enables the wood to nearly vibrate from the natural agreement of the lines, here in the finished product:

The finished product: Like new.

It pays to have the hands and training of a true artist.  Veneer matching is time-consuming, perhaps tedious; this repair alone took me a great deal of unforseen time and energy.  But at CCD, it’s all in a days work, and part of our standard of excellence.




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