Restoring the Babble

by Collette on June 19, 2011

Currently here at Collette Collins Design we are working on restoring one of Ann Hamilton’s contributions to the Seattle Public Library, The Floor of Babble.  Ann Hamilton is a renowned visual artist, famous for the way she invokes text and sound, incorporating time both as material and process in order to call forth the collective voices of the past and stories that perhaps otherwise would be lost.  Read more about Ann Hamilton on her site here  Another project she did for the William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library at Ohio State, called “Verse,”  tells the story adapted from a White River Sioux myth, among other creation stories, and works as a kind of concordance for the reader, or walker, from different perspectives.  Read a lovely review of “Verse” here

Because of the depth of meaning and importance of Hamilton’s work, it is a compliment to be asked to restore the Babble Floor at Seattle’s Central Library.  A few pictures of our progress on the floor:

Blue tape marking the area of restoration


As the restoration begins it’s looking more fresh:






{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

L.J. July 15, 2011 at 5:39 pm

Collette, This website is inspiring. As a woodworker, knowing how personal each piece begins and ends, yet lending further growth for the next. Well done.
Namaste, L.J.


collette July 16, 2011 at 1:18 pm


Thank you for your kind words. Yes, each piece is persona.l And, as you know as a woodworker, each piece is alive. It’s such an exciting medium!
Thanks again!


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